poso la cançó que sortia a la pel·lícula que m'ha esgarrifat i un trocet de wikipèdia, val?? (val!!)
auu, salut i malsons!
Gloomy Sunday
Sunday is gloomy,
My hours are slumberless
Dearest the shadows
I live with are numberless
Little white flowers
Will never awaken you
Not where the black coaches
Sorrow has taken you
Angels have no thoughts
Of ever returning you
Wouldnt they be angry
If I thought of joining you?
Gloomy sunday
Gloomy is sunday,
With shadows I spend it all
My heart and i
Have decided to end it all
Soon therell be candles
And prayers that are said I know
But let them not weep
Let them know that Im glad to go
Death is no dream
For in death Im caressin you
With the last breath of my soul
Ill be blessin you
Gloomy sunday
Dreaming, I was only dreaming
I wake and I find you asleep
In the deep of my heart here
Darling I hope
That my dream never haunted you
My heart is tellin you
How much I wanted you
Gloomy sunday
My hours are slumberless
Dearest the shadows
I live with are numberless
Little white flowers
Will never awaken you
Not where the black coaches
Sorrow has taken you
Angels have no thoughts
Of ever returning you
Wouldnt they be angry
If I thought of joining you?
Gloomy sunday
Gloomy is sunday,
With shadows I spend it all
My heart and i
Have decided to end it all
Soon therell be candles
And prayers that are said I know
But let them not weep
Let them know that Im glad to go
Death is no dream
For in death Im caressin you
With the last breath of my soul
Ill be blessin you
Gloomy sunday
Dreaming, I was only dreaming
I wake and I find you asleep
In the deep of my heart here
Darling I hope
That my dream never haunted you
My heart is tellin you
How much I wanted you
Gloomy sunday
**Gloomy Sunday llegó a América en 1936 y, gracias a una brillante campaña de publicidad, empezó a ser conocida como La canción húngara del suicido. Supuestamente, tenía el poder de hipnotizar a los amantes afligidos, que tras escucharla se precipitaban hacia la ventana abierta que tuvieran más cerca, del mismo modo que los inversores suicidas en octubre de 1929
La película española titulada La caja kovak basa parcialmente su argumento en esta canción, elevando su leyenda suicida a la potencia de la ciencia-ficción. En el film, diversas personas se suicidan después de oír esta canción.
2 comentaris:
JO VULL VEURE AQUESTA PELI. AAAH, m'esteu fent venir unes ganes enooormes. *.* Sort que no sóc una "amante afligida". Hahahaha
VULL tenir temps per veure-la.
Hola Carina! Em fastidia no tenir temps!
Has tret l'enquestaaa!!!
Vols que et torni a amenaçar de mort? xD
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